
means “ I'm sorry.” “ Excuse me.” or “Thank you for your help.”
And also you can use this for calling a clerk in a shop or a server in a restaurant when you need some help or to order.
Adding “Doomo” before this sounds more polite when you use this as the meaning of " I'm sorry." "Excuse me." or "Thank you."


This expression is used by mainly young people.
This is a noun meaning subtlety or delicacy. But, just "Bimyo" is enough as an answer.
It covers situations like "I don't know what to say." (having mixed feelings) or "I can't decide it right now."
It's useful to say "No" mildly to some request or in case you don't like it.
To some, the word itself sounds humorous. But, put it in your mind that this answer leaves room to say "Yes". That's why it means "delicacy".
And, be careful not to use this word in formal situations.
It's best used just between friends.

Let's use them when you come across similar situations.
Good luck!

(by a members of Fukuoka SGG Club / Mar.16, 2013)